At the beginning of this year West Leicestershire Community First Responder Group were awarded a grant of £475 from the Community Foundation.
As part of the West Leicestershire Community First Responder Group the Measham and Swadlincote Area Team is involved in supporting the ambulance service in response to 999 calls. The organisation is actively involved in visiting local groups such as nursery schools and community social groups to explain what community responding is about and to give training in C.P.R.
The grant enabled the group to purchase a complete family of resuscitation dolls. The family was made up of two adult mannequins, two child mannequins and a baby mannequin. These have been used to train people in more realistic scenarios and teaching and learning has been greatly improved! The child and baby mannequins have been particularly good for training young people.
Over the course of the year the group have also visited local schools and youth clubs and recently provided training at a local swimming club. Vicky Thomas from Splish-splash Ltd Swimming School said, ‘“The group really enjoyed their CPR training especially using the new style dolls with the red and green lights. The fact that there were various ages of dolls made the training far more relevant although everyone said it felt strange doing CPR on a baby mannequin and so very important to practice on a realistic doll.”
Here are some great pictures of the training in action: