Some really great grants to some amazing local groups from the NHS CCG’s Getting Help in Neighbourhoods, part of a transformation of mental health, Better Mental Health For All in Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland.
In the first round, the Community Foundation has supported giving of almost £800,000 to 28 local Groups across the city and county for projects supporting people with their mental health and well-being. It’s been inspirational to work so closely with the dedicated people of NHS CCG, not to mention the dedicated people in voluntary groups who do so much to prevent mental ill health, or help people recover.
The grants have gone to some well-known charities like Age UK Leicestershire and Rutland, and Home-Start. But the Fund has also supported smaller local groups like Leicester’s only indoor skate park run by Mama Skate CIC, which offers a safe space for people of all walks of life and aims to bring marginalised groups together to diversify skateboarding. With their funding they will run weekly free skate sessions to those over 18 years old living with mental health issues.
And the good news is that there will be a second round of grants! Keep an eye on our website for further details.