Winter Wellbeing Fairs are being held in December for county residents to find out how they can stay healthy this winter.
The Fairs have been organised by Healthwatch Leicestershire and will be visiting Loughborough on Thursday 4 December (3pm – 7pm) and Market Harborough on Thursday 11 December (10 – 2pm).
Local people will have the opportunity to get free health checks for:
- hearing
- blood pressure and
- healthy living
And to talk to the people who run local services such as:
- hospitals
- GP surgeries
- dentists
- community hospitals
- social services for adults & children
- district / borough services
There will also be opportunities to share opinions and experiences with Healthwatch Leicestershire about…
- Primary Care i.e. GP’s, dentists, opticians, pharmacies,
- Emergency Care i.e. A&E, Ambulances
- Social Care i.e. Care in the home, Care in the community, Care homes
Change4Life, England’s public health campaign, will also be there to provide information and advice on how to stay healthy and happy this winter!
All members of the public are welcome to drop-in to their local Winter Wellbeing Fair and enjoy a free hot drink and mince pie. Full details of the fairs can be found on