Voluntary Action Leicestershire (VAL) are holding a Funding Fair for Leicester and Leicestershire voluntary and community sector groups and Leicestershire and Rutland Community Foundation are going to be there!
The event is taking place on Tuesday 24th February 2015 and will run from 10.00 am – 1.00 pm.
As well as the Community Foundation there will be a whole host of funders in attendance providing information regarding a range of funding streams. Funders will be providing tips on what projects they’d like to support and what makes a good funding application.
Other funders will include:
- Lloyds TSB
- Heritage Lottery Fund
- The Charity Bank
- Comic Relief
- The ASDA Foundation
The event is taking place at:
Hothorpe Hall
The Woodlands
Theddingworth (near Lutterworth)
LE17 6QX
Come along and meet funders who are actively investing in community groups in your area! You’re welcome to drop-in throughout the event.
For more information about the event contact:
Sangita Jobanputra
Development Officer
Voluntary Action LeicesterShire
0116 2574973
Or visit: http://www.valonline.org.uk/events/funding-event/funding-fair-0#.VIm103vMgo0
See you there!