In May 2013 Youth Education Project (YEP) were awarded a grant of £1,000 from Red Nose Day Community Cash.
Funding was awarded for sports activity and engagement sessions working with young people not in employment, education or training. The project particularly aimed to engage young people in/or leaving Local Authority Care, young people from black, minority, ethnic communities, young women and young people with disabilities.
The YEP Sports Activity and Engagement sessions aimed to raise attainment, achievement and aspirations. Participants took part in team and sport activities that included regular fitness training and football sessions.
A series of mini football tournaments provided opportunities for participants to play alongside professionals from various services within Leicester and this included Mansfield House police and Leicester Youth Offending Service.
In partnership with PCSO’s and police officers from Mansfield House, YEP also arranged a series of joint workshops. Workshops focussed on the impact of anti-social behaviour as well as having anti-gun and knife crime messages. This in turn highlighted the dangers and impact this kind of crime has on young people, their families and their communities.
During these workshops young people were able to interact with local beat officers, sharing views, building positive relationships and focussing on the meaningful difference they could make to their own communities.
As part of the project YEP also encouraged young people to take part in Leicester’s Youth Crime Commission programme. As a result of this two young people were offered the opportunity to become Youth Crime members. Sir Clive Loader attended the YEP centre and led a workshop with a group of young people which appeared on BBC News East Midlands.
These workshops are now ongoing and continue to actively involve young people in discussions around stop and search, ASBOs and the role of the police.
To find more information on YEP you can visit their website here:
If you would like to help YEP or any other charities working in your local community, contact the Community Foundation on 0116 2624 916.