Funding enabled ADHD Solutions to take 20 of their most complex young people to New Leaf Triangle which is a specialist provision that uses the natural environment and animals, to help children and young people learn and combat personal challenges through fun motivational activities. The children took part in games mounted on the horses which included horse football, polo, gymkhana games and knight’s skills and horse painting. They learnt how to hold, feed and care for animals such as rabbits, guinea-pigs and cockroaches! Parents and carers have reported that their child returned from the activity happy and full of excitement which has given them the confidence to allow their child to attend activities independently in this coming year. The families reported a significant impact on the health and wellbeing of the whole family.
Sam (not his real name) and one of his siblings both have ADHD. He was very excited and nervous about the trip: like many of the children Sam was unused to wide open countryside and its smells! Initially he was very apprehensive around the animals, desperately wanting to join in but he holding back. However, during the course of the session he gradually became more confident and was soon handling the rabbits and guinea pigs and grooming and riding the horses. During the course of the session Sam and the other children learnt to be quiet around the animals, to listen to adults and how important it is to follow instructions. Since attending this activity Sam has attended young people’s sessions at our centre, and will be attending more sessions this summer. His parents have reported how much happier and more confident he is to try new things and that his self esteem has improved.
“It’s turned our sons life around, he’s less isolated, made more friends, the activities have empowered him. It’s our lifeline.”
ADHD Solutions supports children, young people, adults and their families affected by Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. They aim ‘To improve the life chances of people with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) by delivering a service that supports and empowers children/young people, adults and their families. They believe it is important to identify critical times and triggers, preventing crises occurring and reducing the stigma of ADHD and the risk of adverse outcomes, including criminality and anti social behaviour.