122 | (29.06.20) |
£521,445.50 | (29.06.20) |
Eyres Monsell Club for Young People has been awarded a grant for £2,464 to provide and deliver free, emergency food bags to people in isolation and those who are most vulnerable in the community. These will be provided at least once a week during the pandemic.
Zinthiya Ganeshpanchan Trust received a grant for £2,400 to provide and cover delivery costs for 200 emergency parcels containing food, toiletries and cleaning products to people in isolation who lack a support network and those with physical and mental health issues. The grant will also go towards phone top-ups for the most vulnerable for the duration of the Coronavirus outbreak.
The Cooke e-Learning Foundation has been awarded a grant for £2,500 to distribute emergency food parcels for vulnerable people that are self-isolating, at risk or have COVID-19 within Leicester’s Beaumont Leys and Abbey Wards.
Adhar Project has been given a grant for £4,456 to provide additional counselling/staff hours and adaptation of services during the Coronavirus outbreak, to provide mental health support services primarily but not exclusively to Black, Asian Minority, Ethnic communities (BAME) including direct support to individuals who are refugees, trafficked women and men experiencing mental health trauma.
Age UK Leicestershire & Rutland has received a grant for £2,500 to go towards the purchase of essential provisions for emergency care packages that are being provided free of charge to elderly and vulnerable clients in need of food and toiletries.
Somali Community Parents Association has received a grant for £4,578 which will go towards emergency costs for staff and IT equipment to enable online support to those within the local Somali community needing to submit new or additional benefit claims during the pandemic.
Trade Sexual Health which works with LGBT communities throughout Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland to provide a range of confidential support and advice services for sexual health, HIV prevention and mental health and wellbeing, has been.awarded a grant in the sum of £3,308.00 to support vulnerable LGBT and isolated clients via online counselling and outreach sessions during the Coronavirus outbreak.
St Matthew’s Big Local has been awarded a grant for £4,749 which will go towards providing immediate emergency support for the St Matthew’s community impacted by the Coronavirus outbreak. This includes targeted food deliveries, a food bank service and welfare call for vulnerable people.
Midland Langar Seva Society has received a grant for £5,000. Midland Langar Sava Society links to local Gudawaras to provide support in conjunction with the local authority and housing associations and are providing emergency assistance to those who are falling through the gaps during the pandemic. Funding is to deliver food parcels and cover equipment and volunteer costs.
Broughton Astley Parish Council – BA Volunteer Group has been awarded £2,500 to help recruit and manage a volunteer bank. The volunteers will deliver emergency supplies to the most vulnerable people living in six villages surrounding Broughton Astley.
Agar Nook Community Association has received an emergency grant for £2,500 to provide a community hub that will offer support to all local residents including a daily telephone call (if wanted); food prescription collection and a food bank service for the most vulnerable.
South Leicestershire Community First Responders has received a grant of £2,471 to fund 10 radio handsets to enable more effective communication and safety whilst responding to 999 incidents prior to ambulance arrival. The team is also supporting Oadby and Wigston Council, Blaby Council and The Salvation Army in-between call-outs with emergency food parcels and medicine deliveries for the most vulnerable in South Leicestershire Communities.
Somali Development Services has been awarded a grant of £4,000 towards additional overhead and salary costs including adaptation of working via telephone, email, text and video during the Pandemic. They will offer translation services for essential documentation, and a support service to help vulnerable people to access available emergency funds for those who face significant financial difficulties as a result of COVID-19.
Staunton Harold Parish Meeting has been awarded a grant of £500 to fund the delivery of letters to all residents advising of the support they offer. This grant will also go towards setting up a WhatsApp group to support residents with emergency collections and deliveries of food and medicines. This is a small community with a large % being in elderly and vulnerable.
The Centre Project has been awarded a grant of £1,000. Working with South Leicestershire Food Bank, they will provide and deliver free food parcels to socially isolated and vulnerable people in Leicester.
The Community of Grace has received a grant of £2,498 to set up a dedicated mobile contact number and provide weekly visits to deliver emergency supplies of sanitary products, household goods and food to vulnerable homeless people where needed.
Leicester Charity Link has received a grant for £2,500 to provide emergency response to support individuals throughout Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland already living in financial hardship by providing food and basic household items when moving from hostels and refuges to tenancies as a result of the pandemic.
Live Cancer Free Ltd has been given a grant for £1,895 to provide food bags, free of charge, to cancer patients in Leicester who are socially isolating during the pandemic. The food included has been guided by doctors to boost immune systems.
FareShare East Midlands has been awarded a grant for £5,000 to provide help towards extra costs as a result of additional staffing, additional van hire, additional PPE and volunteer costs as well as expanding services to ensure that those most at risk do not fall through the gaps during the pandemic.
Melton And District Money Advice Centre has been awarded a grant for £2,500 to move systems online to allow vulnerable clients to access free debt and money advice and provide support with crisis situations during the pandemic.
Christ the King Church has received a grant for £2,500 towards setting up an emergency food bank project to help people most in need across Stocking Farm and Beaumont Leys.
VISTA has received a grant for £2,500 which will go towards supporting people with sight loss in Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland during the pandemic. Emergency support includes welfare calls and shopping/medical deliveries.
The Emerald Centre has been given a grant for £2,000 to deliver food to vulnerable elderly people in Aylestone, Saffron and New Parks who do not have access to internet and who are unable to afford food delivered from some of the major supermarkets.
Giving World has received a grant for £1,858 to go towards funding for two laptops to enable sessions to support vulnerable and isolated people during the Coronavirus outbreak.
Helping Hands Community Trust has been given a grant for £3,620 in order to move its current services online. This will enable vital support and advice to continue during the Coronavirus outbreak.
Go-Getta CIC has been awarded a grant for £5,000 to enable digital/outreach services to vulnerable children and young people in Charnwood, in order to promote physical and mental well being during the lockdown period.
Help the Homeless Leicester has been awarded a grant in the sum of £5,000 to expand the services it already offers in order to deliver emergency food provisions for those most vulnerable and without cooking facilities during the current pandemic.
Action Homeless has been given a grant for £5,000 towards supporting vulnerable homeless people whilst settling into isolated accommodation and to be able to access and engage remotely with vital support services during the Coronavirus outbreak.
Amicus Trust Limited has been awarded a grant for £1,158 to fund additional phones for service users and key workers who support 45 homeless adults in 8 houses across Leicester with complex needs and require regular support.
Rutland Community Ventures has been given a grant of £2,000 to enable staff to adapt and deliver weekly one-hour on-line sessions for people with young onset and early stage dementia and their carers during the pandemic. These will include drawing, poetry and storytelling.
Melton Learning Hub has been awarded a grant for £5,000 to distribute daily emergency food bags, deliver vital medicine and offer transport to GP and hospital appointments to vulnerable Melton Mowbray residents during the pandemic.
Root-and-Branch Out CIC has received a grant for £3,000 to purchase fresh food supplies and cover transport costs to deliver on-going emergency food parcels to vulnerable families during the Pandemic.
Money Matters Leicester has received a grant for £552 to go towards emergency equipment for homeworking to enable debt advice and essential services to continue during the Coronavirus outbreak.
Royal Air Forces Association has been given a grant for £2,500 towards ‘Operation Connect’ which is supporting the RAF veteran communities during the Coronavirus outbreak. They will provide emergency food bag drops, an outreach welfare telephone service, a friendship helpline and daily entertainment via social media platforms.
The Laura Centre has received a grant for £5,000 towards an additional counsellor’s salary to support anyone that has been affected by a death from Coronavirus.
Loughborough Wellbeing Centre CIC (Ltd) has received a grant for £2,500 to provide arts and crafts kits for vulnerable and isolated people in Charnwood. The kits will be part of a care package to those identified as needing additional support for their mental health and wellbeing whilst in isolation due to underlying health issues.
The Muscular Dystrophy Support Centre (NMC Midlands LTD) has received an emergency grant in the sum of £4,956 from the Leicestershire and Rutland Community Foundation Coronavirus Support Fund to support vulnerable individuals with Muscular Dystrophy in Leicestershire throughout the Coronavirus outbreak via new services and on-line appointments.
Castle Donnington Volunteer Centre has received a grant for £5,000 from the SEGRO Centenary Fund which will go towards adapting and increasing its delivery services to their vulnerable client group in Castle Donnington and surrounding villages. They are delivering emergency food parcels, medicines and operating a telephone befriending service.
National Forest Responders has received a grant for £4,000 from the SEGRO Centenary Fund which will go towards two full kits for two newly qualified and fully trained medic volunteers.
Hospice Hope has received a grant for £5,000 from the SEGRO Centenary Fund which will go towards adapting services, including prescription collection and visits, to support clients during the Coronavirus outbreak.
Cottesmore Village Link Magazine has been awarded a grant for £1,500 which will go towards the printing costs of a Coronavirus-led support magazine. It will include contact numbers for local support groups who villagers can contact for emergency food and prescription deliveries, mental wellbeing chat lines, a host of activities and games ideas for families and children.
Lutterworth First Community Responders has received a grant for £2,046.50 towards the purchase of new infection prevention control bags and a full kit bag for a newly trained Responder. The new bags are TPU Coated Polyester bags, which are easy to wipe clean making them safer in the current climate.
The New Futures Project has received a grant for £5,000 to provide support for women and young people who are at risk of or who are being sexually exploited. Funding will go directly towards equipment to enable home-working, care packages, increased food deliveries and volunteer expenses to support vulnerable clients during the Coronavirus outbreak.
Shama Women’s Centre has been given a grant of £4,952 to provide online bereavement counselling for those who have suffered a loss from COVID19, plus a befriending telephone call service. Shama Women’s Centre delivers a range of culturally conducive educational activities and supports women holistically around their health, education and social interaction.
Emmaus Leicestershire and Rutland has received a grant for £4,600 to resume support in enabling people who are homeless, by providing accommodation, food and work opportunities within a supportive community, during the Coronvirus pandemic.
Baby Basics Leicester has received a grant of £5,000 towards providing 20 ‘Moses basket starter kits’ to vulnerable and isolated mums impacted by the Coronavirus outbreak.
Leicestershire Cares has been awarded a grant for £5,000 to support young women aged 16-25 who are homeless or at risk of homelessness. The grant will help with emergency support worker costs, food items to supplement foodbank parcels and personal care packages for women and their children during the pandemic. It will also support some online mental health sessions.
Canine Partners has been given a grant in the sum of £2,500 to continue with vital work to train assistance dogs during the Coronavirus outbreak. The dogs give people with physical disabilities greater independence and a better quality of life.
Leicestershire Charity Link which improves the lives of people facing hardship, has been given a grant of £10,000. The grant will support additional emergency staffing costs to deliver online training; volunteer cost expenses; remote working technology and to supplement their emergency fund during the pandemic.
Belgrave Baheno Peepul Centre has been awarded a grant in the sum of £5,000 towards preparation and delivery of free meals for the vulnerable, isolated and for NHS staff living in the area working double shifts during the coronavirus pandemic. Funding is will go directly to cost of food, volunteer costs, staffing travel and delivery plus provision of PPE.
Citizens Advice Leicestershire has been awarded a grant in the sum of £4,989 towards a leaflet campaign to ensure that vulnerable and hard-to-reach residents of Leicester and Leicestershire know how to access support during the Coronvirus lockdown as well as additional volunteer supervisory costs.
Headstrong Wellbeing CIC has been given a grant of £3,332.00. Based in Leicester, they offer free counselling services for young people, adults and couples. Funding is offered towards moving services online during the Coronavirus outbreak, including costs of mobile phones, contracts and therapist supervision.
Leicester and Leicestershire Animal Aid Association (Leicester Animal Aid) has be awarded a grant of £2,362. The Community Pet Support Scheme provides free professional pet care to those who are elderly, disabled or housebound due to physical or mental health reasons. Funding is offered towards extra staffing costs during the Coronavirus outbreak, to enable care for pets to continue as well as carrying out welfare checks on vulnerable clients (including ensuring they have food and medicine).
The Zinthiya Ganeshpanchan Trust has received a grant for £3,800 to provide 10 vulnerable women with emergency accommodation for up to 7 days in a B&B, whilst liaising with organisations to develop a safety plan and secure suitable permanent accommodation for them to be safe and free from abuse.
North Leicester Community First Responders has been awarded a grant for £4,000 to provide full kits for two newly qualified and fully trained medics. NLCFR volunteers time to the East Midlands Ambulance Service, providing critical response to patients with life threatening conditions. The funding would allow the two new volunteers to start much needed support to the NHS service immediately.
Next Generation has received a grant in the sum of £4,847 to go towards staffing costs to manage the Volunteer Recruitment Virtual Hub. This work is aimed at identifying need and response by setting up Emergency Response initiatives, coordinating and administrating them with partners and key workers throughout the pandemic.
Leicester Action for Mental Health Project (Lamp) has been awarded a grant for £2,500 to support pre-existing/regular clients most in need of advocacy support with daily intervention and calls during lockdown. Lamp provide access to free, quality information, on mental health support, advocacy services around mental health for those who request it.
ProActive Community Endeavours (PACE) has received a grant in the sum of £5,000 to deliver a variety of vital services for senior citizens, the vulnerable, those who are in hardship and the excluded. Funding is given towards staffing costs (including an additional counsellor), volunteer and on costs to support vulnerable individuals with issues surrounding the coronavirus lockdown.
Chroma Food Bank has been awarded a grant in the sum of £5,000 towards the emergency costs to provide food, toiletries and petrol expenses together with production of flyers to put into the emergency bags giving vital information to people living in poverty in Leicester.
The Braunstone Foundation (t/a b-inspired) which own and manage a number of buildings that house many community services (including a foodbank, be-friending and drop- in welfare/debt advice) has received a grant for £5,000. Funding is given towards emergency staffing, project, travel and volunteer costs in order to deliver a number of these services virtually as well as food and emergency deliveries during the coronavirus lockdown.
MacIntyre which provides residential support for people with learning disabilities and autism, has been awarded a grant in the sum of £2,500 to purchase 5 robust iPads for 4 shared homes containing 20 people to stay in contact with family and friends in the outside world during the Coronavirus lockdown.
Harmless CIC has received a grant for £3,596 for the emergency purchase of laptops and phones in order to deliver counselling services remotely during the pandemic. Harmless provides a range of services about self-harm and suicide prevention including support, information, training and consultancy to people who self-harm, their friends, families and professionals. Funding will also go towards helping clients complete and send documents such as benefit applications, housing applications etc.
Home-Start Horizons has received a grant for £5,000 to provide family/play resources to be delivered to families and to support remote/virtual working by staff and volunteers. during the pandemic. Home-Start Horizons offer practical help and support to families with young children who are experiencing difficulties or complex situations and require external help and assistance. In the current crisis they are in telephone contact with families and delivering food parcels for those unable to leave their homes.
Rural Community Council (Leicestershire & Rutland) has received a grant in the sum of £2,224 towards training, a laptop and overheads costs. RCC focuses on building social resilience to create stronger connections and support networks within communities in rural areas. In response to the pandemic they have adapted delivery to support individuals with the significant challenges they are currently facing. They are contacting people who are in isolation and using their vehicle to deliver essentials to people who are isolated.
John Storer Charnwood has received a grant of £9,540. Currently acting as Charnwood Community Action Hub and Central Foodbank, John Storer has been awarded funding towards general running costs of the emergency project which is supporting people in poverty in the area.
Saraswati Charity has been awarded £4,500 to help with volunteer costs, project costs, food and essentials, publicity, equipment and office costs to provide emergency support to those from the BME community who are either shielding or homeless during the pandemic.
Young Leicestershire has received a grant of £4,800 towards staff costs, volunteer travel and activity packs to support young carers and young people with learning disabilities, autism and mental health throughout the Coronavirus outbreak.
Wing Parish Council has been awarded a grant in the sum of £883 towards travel and PPE costs in order to provide emergency support to those in the area isolating/shielding. Services including prescription collection, delivery of hot meals, food delivery, key cards giving residents details of other residents who can help, signposting and a buddy scheme.
Melton Learning Hub has received a grant for £10,000. The charity is continuing to act as a food bank and is supporting over 40 families per day who find themselves in very desperate circumstances due to the pandemic. Funding is offered towards volunteer petrol costs, overtime staffing costs, PPE, laptops and food bags as well as cost associated with preparation for reopening.
Bodie Hodges Foundation has been awarded a grant for £1,600 to fund an additional eight hours per week of phone and video calls to support families using a sessional bereavement practitioner for 3 months.
Hindu Ladies Association has received a grant for £3,800 to deliver food parcel/hot lunches and dinners, collect medicine, deliver multi-lingual leaflets, organise face time chats and singing sessions for those most isolated and in need. They are also offering home help and cleaning if regular carers are not attending.
MRC Community Action has been awarded a grant of £10,000. to purchase and deliver shopping, collect and deliver prescriptions and supply food bank services for the self-isolated, elderly, disabled and vulnerable in North West Leicestershire. The group has been set up as a first response hub and have also set up a telephone support and contact system via volunteers. Funding is offered as a contribution towards 3 months’ emergency project costs.
Recovery Assistance Dogs (RAD) has received a grant for £3,812 to allow them to continue to offer vital support to clients online and over the telephone during the pandemic. RAD support people to recover from poor mental health and self harm. They train dogs to become ‘Assistance Dogs’ that then help protect their owner from anxiety, loneliness and panic attacks.
The Curator-Educator Ltd has been awarded a grant for £2,395 Funding is offered towards staff, project, publicity and volunteer costs in order to deliver online craft sessions and to deliver craft boxes to those who are lonely/isolated and as a result are struggling with mental health issues during the pandemic.
The Cook E-Learning Foundation has received a grant for £9,999 towards staff costs: additional administrative staff (to oversee and administrate the work of the emergency food parcel service, telephone support service) and Street Coordinators. It will also fund the instillation of a key fob system, which will allow them to tightly control access to the centre and prevent the spread of the virus.
Golden Careers Champions has received a grant for £2,400 for shopping, admin and volunteer costs to support households currently receiving no support, during the Coronavirus pandemic. GCC is currently supporting mostly Zimbabweans who are not able to speak English, don’t drive etc and are not accessing emergency relief.
Women 4 Change has received a grant for £4,398 to fund a helpline for BME women which will provide translation, signposting and advocacy services to this group who are among those most affected by the current pandemic.
Women’s Aid Leicestershire Ltd has received a grant for £9,710 to fund ‘Emergency Packs’ (including fresh food and essential transport), ‘Move on Packs’ (including basics such as bedding, and small items of basic new clothing) and a coordinator salary to enable them to continue this vital work during the pandemic. Women’s Aid Leicester support women and their children who are victims of domestic abuse and stalking by providing safe and secure services and accommodation.
Wesley Hall Community Centre which provides service and support to the local community is situated in an area of high deprivation and identified as a COVID hotspot. Currently closed due to the pandemic, they have received a grant for £4,730 to provide support to the most vulnerable including: delivering food, shopping and prescriptions, a helpline to signpost and support people, daily phone calls, and supporting parents with the struggle of home-schooling.
Westfield Community Development Association has received a grant for £4,254 to go towards. Following the closure of the Centre, they have been delivering emergency response – meals, food shopping, prescription collection, telephone support etc to those who have been using the centre and any others in need during the current crisis.
Leicester Lesbian Gay Bisexual & Transgender Centre has been awarded a grant of £4,405 to enable delivery of telephone and digital counselling as well as more social and interactive engagement to support vulnerable and isolated members of the LGBT+ community during the current pandemic to reduce isolation, mental ill health and risky behaviour.
Centre for Fun & Families Limited has received a grant for £4,848 to provide support to families and young people (YP) who are struggling with communication, behaviour and mental health issues as a direct or indirect result of the COVID-19 pandemic via parent and young people online groups.
Quetzal has received a grant for £4,800 to cover the cost of 120 virtual counselling sessions during the current coronavirus pandemic, to support women survivors of historic abuse.
East West Community Centre Limited has received a grant for £4,800 towards 8 weeks of project costs to provide emergency meals for those in the community who are isolated and who are shielding during the current coronavirus pandemic.
HF Trust Limited has received a grant for £4,879 towards the cost of 20 tablets, tablet cases and Chromecast for people with learning disabilities to help connect individuals in different houses. This will allow them to communicate via video, participate in joint activities, access educational resources, and connect with families to support them to understand and manage through the coronavirus pandemic.
Charles Booth Centre has been awarded a grant of £1,625 towards 12 weeks of costs for ingredients and packaging in order to provide an emergency service of hot meals to deliver to older people twice a week during the coronavirus pandemic.
Community Advice and Law Service has received a grant for £5,000 towards the costs of a Language Line service which provides translation services, plus some publications in community languages. Many of their most vulnerable clients do not have English as their first language and the grant will allow its advice services to continue by telephone and email.
Living Paintings has received a grant for £4,110 towards providing unlimited loans of Touch to See books to 274 beneficiaries in Leicestershire and Rutland in order to support isolated and vulnerable individuals with sight loss during the coronavirus pandemic.
Confederation of Indian Organisations has received a grant for £5,000 towards volunteer expenses, staff administrator costs and printing leaflets to enable regularly check in on the older people who used their services prior to lockdown, many of whom are now isolated at home. This is to relieve loneliness and to check on practical needs including food and medication.
Age UK Leicester Shire & Rutland has been awarded a grant for £7,500 towards the purchase of essential provisions needed for care packages, and to support operating the Coronavirus hotline and telephone befriending service. Age UK Leicestershire and Rutland have provided evidence of reach, which has been 6,500 people since March.
Leicester Community Links cic has received a grant for £2,000 towards piloting 2 socially distanced workshops for BAME community members on wellbeing, mental health and domestic violence during the coronavirus pandemic.
Twenty/Twenty has received a grant of £4,059 to create a Care Package to support vulnerable girls experiencing increasing levels of anxiety and low mood during lockdown, or experiencing difficult home situations during lockdown to prepare for the return to school. They are currently providing 1-1 telephone support and group support via social media channels.
Home Start South Leicestershire has received a grant for £5,000 to continue providing 1-1 support to vulnerable families during the coronavirus lockdown. Funding is towards overall project costs (including salary costs, volunteer phone and data costs, activity packs and staff phone, data and mileage).
The Grove Primary School (Friends of Grove) has been awarded a grant for £500 which will help to fund the cost of food to prepare and deliver hampers to those on free school meals and also to families who are not on the scheme but who are struggling financially at this time.
Friends of Ferneley has received a grant for £2,000 towards food and volunteer petrol costs in order to provide emergency food parcels for families in need during the Coronavirus outbreak.
Enrych Leicestershire has received a grant of £4,250 to provide 1-1 volunteer telephone and group support via zoom for virtual coffee mornings and help clients to set up their own small peer support groups. Enrych support people with disabilities, link them to volunteer buddies and arrange social activities.
The Race Equality Centre has received a grant for £1,790 to provide items to enable the safe re-opening of the centre in accordance with government guidelines. TREC and Leicester & Leicestershire’s Community Organisations work together to tackle social and economic exclusion and during the pandemic is supporting vulnerable people.
Giving World has received a grant for £10,000 towards employing an additional warehouse worker to increase capacity and skills to meet the higher demand they are experiencing due to coronavirus. Giving World receives end-of-line, discontinued and surplus stock from companies, and redistributes it to people in need.
After18 has been awarded a grant for £3,965 to support young unaccompanied refugees during the coronavirus pandemic. Funding will go towards emergency staff hours, data top ups and Zoom fees.
HQ Can Community Interest Company has received a grant for £5,000 to work with and provide support to young people who have complex issues, are at risk of crime, ill mental health and long term unemployment and have been impacted by the Coronavirus pandemic. The grant will be used to cover additional facilitator time, studio costs and overheads.
Gifting Humanity has received a grant for £4,500 to support vulnerable families and individuals during the coronavirus pandemic by providing food parcels, carrying out welfare checks, flagging up any safeguarding concerns, and signposting to other local services.
Manav Seva Community Centre CIC has been awarded a grant for £4,760 towards 6 weeks of costs to provide a hot meal delivery, shopping, food parcels and telephone emotional support contact to people who are shielding or self-isolating during the coronavirus pandemic.
The Bridge (East Midlands) has received a grant for £10,000. Acting as a local hub in Charnwood The Bridge is distributing between 500-600 food parcels a week to vulnerable individuals and families during the pandemic.
The Conservation Volunteers (TCV) has been awarded a grant for £3,255 to continue to provide support during the lockdown period to those suffering from isolation and mental health challenges. This is centred around gardening and includes zoom calls, group chats and deliveries of plants to give people a focus and stay busy.
Open Hands Trust (Leicester) has received a grant of £5,277 to purchase products that will enable them to provide online appointments for the distribution of furniture and clothing and to implement extra safety measures for face-to-face appointments with volunteers. This emergency practical care will help approximately 300 people who are experiencing financial hardship during the pandemic.
Out of Hours Club Rutland has been awarded a grant of £1,300 to purchase ten tablets that will allow members with additional needs to access Zoom meetings and online OHCR activities. This will support individuals experiencing poor mental health during the pandemic.
West Leicestershire Community First Responders (Measham) has received a grant of £4,500 towards the purchase of two emergency kits, which will allow two additional responders to support around 2,000 people in North West Leicestershire during and after the pandemic.
Falcon Support Services has received a grant of £4,632 towards laptops and CPR mannequins for the ‘Virtual Training – Charnwood’ project. These will enable FSS to continue to train staff safely (including implementing new socially distanced practices) in order to provide support to their most in need and vulnerable beneficiaries during the coronavirus pandemic.
Syston and District Volunteer Centre have been awarded a grant of £3,320 towards the addition of a retained driver. This will enable the service to provide an effective response to the increased demand for transport services (e.g. to hospital appointments) as Covid-19 lockdown requirements are eased.
LVSRA (trading as Reaching People) works with older people and has received a grant for £10,000 towards two projects in response to the pandemic. These are #DistantSocialising, which provides information about activities for isolated people, and #DistantCompanies, which is a short term befriending service. The grant will pay for printed materials about offline activities and hours for a volunteer co-ordinator.
St Matthew’s Big Local has received a grant of £9,580 towards the provision of an outreach Welfare Rights and Advice Service from the community hub at St Matthews House. The service will support residents who have been adversely affected by the coronavirus outbreak, in particular deprived BAME communities. The grant will also be used for PPE, emergency food parcels and emergency electricity payments.
The Country Food Trust has received a grant of £5,000 towards buying significant quantities of chilled and frozen meat for direct use by charities to feed those in need within Leicestershire and Rutland.
The Bridge – Homelessness to Hope has been awarded a grant of £8,155 towards a Mentoring Programme to enable the service to get things back running and to expand its number of guests. This will mean a significant change to comply with social distancing. Funding will cover staffing and volunteer costs and equipment and training costs.
The New Futures Project has received a grant of £10,007 towards the further development and delivery of a remote service and direct emergency support to this very vulnerable group of women and young people who are at risk of or who are being sexually exploited. The grant will cover volunteer expenses, emergency food parcels, case management software and licences for the Freedom programme.
Leicester Charity Link has received a grant of £10,000 towards essential goods such as cookers, beds, furniture, fridges, freezers and support with food and utilities, for Leicester and Leicestershire residents experiencing hardship as a direct result of the Covid 19 crisis.
Goldhill Play Association has been awarded £2,400 towards extending their emergency support project aimed at young people and their families living in Eyres Monsell. The grant will be used specifically to increase the tonnage of food purchased from Fareshare.
CLIC Sargent: Young Lives vs Cancer has received a grant of £5,000 towards longer term delivery of face to face support in the community away from hospital and remote delivery for those who are shielding. This grant will fund the social care team to set up the new model of service and to deal with an increase in demand for bereavement support, as the virus will take the lives of young people going through treatment or whose treatment is delayed.
Voluntary Action Rutland has received a grant of £500 towards the running costs and fuel of VAR’s minibuses. These are being used to collect food donations from Rutland villages and take them to the Foodbank distribution point in Oakham.
Steps – Leicestershire Conductive Education Centre has been awarded a grant of £5,000 towards changing the service from a face to face service to working remotely. When the service is able to reopen many parents will not wish to or be able to bring their child back into Steps, and so there is need for a digital transformation project. Steps supports families and offers a unique service using the principles of Conductive Education for children with conditions that cause motor impairments or motor development delays.