The Community Foundation has delivered a staggering £521,445.00 in emergency grants to charities, voluntary groups and community organisations who are working tirelessly to support people most in need during the Coronavirus pandemic.
With grants of between £500 – £10,000 awarded to 122 local organisations across Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland, the funds have given a much needed boost to groups who are delivering vital aid to vulnerable people within our communities.
Given through The Leicestershire and Rutland Coronavirus Support Fund, the grants have allowed groups to provide a range of different services such as the preparation and delivery of emergency food parcels for elderly and those shielding; providing supplies to foodbanks for those in financial hardship; mental health and well-being support for people isolating or going through trauma and the purchase of phones, IT equipment and volunteer costs to ensure that essential services can continue remotely. A full list of emergency grants awarded can be found here.
The Leicestershire and Rutland Coronaivrus Support Fund is made up of money from public donations to the National Emergencies Trust that is quickly being delivering to local groups, as well as donations from companies and individuals who have kindly added to the Fund.
The Community Foundation is encouraging groups to apply for funds through the Leicestershire and Rutland Coronavirus Support Fund. For further information and eligibility criteria click here.
To apply for funds
If you’d like to donate