Leicestershire County Council’s Big Society Grant Fund (totalling £340,000) is intended to support grassroots, community and voluntary organisations to develop ideas, projects and initiatives which will help to make the Big Society a reality at a local level.
The next and final Grant Panel will be on 6th March 2014 with a final closing date for applications and supporting information of 12th February 2014 at 9am. The ‘Big Society’ Grant will make funds (maximum £15,000) available for projects.
The Grant is available to constituted community groups, charities, parish/town councils and other organisations which operate on a “not for profit” basis such as social enterprises and community interest companies.
Un-constituted groups can apply but are limited to a maximum grant of £1000 and should ideally be seeking to become constituted.
Learn more www.leics.gov.uk/bigsociety
You can also find out more by contacting:
Email: bigsociety@leics.gov.uk
Telephone: (0116) 3057269
Good luck everyone!