Leicestershire and Rutland Community Foundation was really happy to welcome Trust Mazokera to the office team over the summer time. Trust was great at supporting all team members with their administration tasks and became a real asset to the Community Foundation and the work that we do.
Trust’s background had been in skilled administration and customer service, so she was well-matched to the duties of the Community Foundation office. She had been without work for a while and wanted to regain her confidence as well as update her skills. So she decided to go to Voluntary Action Leicester (VAL) to see if she could find a job to bridge that gap into a better future. We advertise our posts at VAL as well as on our website.
Volunteering with the Community Foundation helped Trust to up-skill while she was with us, building on her analytical and assessment skills as well as developing her knowledge and understanding of the diverse groups and organisations in the third sector.
She said she had been really happy in the LRCF team, and she was impressed by the work of the Community Foundation. She said:
“It is an organisation which is so committed to what it does. It really has the community at heart.”
Hopefully everything that Trust learned will support her in her new life working in an administrative role for the NHS, and studying for a BA in Business Studies at the same time.
The Community Foundation really valued Trust’s commitment and hard work over the summer and although we were very sad to see her go, would like to wish her all the very best for the future. Good luck Trust!