A grant of £4,209 from the Children on the Edge Fund to the Centre for Fun & Families enabled the delivery of two corresponding group work programmes: “Overcoming Your Anxiety”, for young people aged 11-16 and “Supporting Your Anxious Child” for the parents of these young people.
The sessions were delivered at Catmose College and helped eight young people and eleven parents/carers in total. As a result of the programmes, the children have learned how to cope with their anxieties, and have improved their confidence. Their parents and carers have also benefited from a better understanding of their child’s anxieties and have learnt new strategies to improve family life.
The Centre for Fun & Families Ltd (CFF) is a leading voluntary agency delivering specialist parent and family support in Leicester City and Leicestershire since 1990. It is a local, grassroots organisation that has developed its products by listening and responding to the families it works with. Their team has a wealth of experience in the field of social care and in delivering groups and training, and the Centre is one of the Women in Philanthropy Chosen Charities for 2017-18.
For more information about the many charitable groups we can connect you with at the Community Foundation, please contact Katy Green on 0116 262 4804 or email: katy.green@llrcommunityfoundation.org.uk.